Free estimates, expert advice + resources on
arc flash protection,
safety +
OSHA compliance.
Arc flash analysis, in conjunction with an arc flash risk assessment, helps to ensure the regulatory compliance and safe operation of your facility with respect to electrical safety hazards.
HIPP performs arc flash analysis, short-circuit, and protective device coordination as part of comprehensive power system studies.

Overview of an Arc Flash Analysis
the definition
An arc flash analysis is a risk assessment, safety and regulatory compliance tool which identifies electrical code or safety violations in your facility.
the importance
The assessment determines the incident energy to which a worker may be exposed and how to protect the worker from an arc flash accident and other electrical hazards.
the frequency
Per NFPA 70E® an arc flash analysis (often called an incident energy analysis) should be performed every 5 years or when changes occur in the electrical distribution system that could affect the results of the analysis.

The HIPP Difference
Critical for identifying and mitigating the risk of arc flash incidents, HIPP’s arc flash studies provide valuable information on the potential hazards and recommendations for reducing the risk of injury and damage to equipment. Compliance with industry standards and regulations is essential to ensure the safety of workers and the proper functioning of electrical systems.
As part of a superior arc flash risk assessment approach, HIPP includes a short circuit analysis, a protective device coordination study, and one-line electrical diagram evaluation packaged as a power system study. While sometimes these individual areas may be considered separately they are all very much interrelated.
As a best practice, HIPP performs all three assessments to ensure our clients receive the most accurate results - reducing the risk of fire, equipment damage, and personal injury via arc flash.
Licensed throughout the United States, our engineers perform power system studies (short-circuit, protective device coordination, and arc flash risk analysis) to identify electrical hazards, providing cost-effective passive and active arc flash protection - essential for the operation of safe and reliable power infrastructure.
Our approach delivers more value to our clients by providing:
Regulatory Compliance (NFPA 70E, IEC, OSHA 29-CFR)
A “Client Owned” Facility Electrical Model
Updated One-Line Electrical Drawings
Arc Flash + Electrical Hazard Study - Standardized Across Sites
Short Circuit Study
Protective Device Coordination Study - Improves Safety + ROI
Report of Observed Code Issues + Recommended Mitigations
Arc Flash Hazard Labels, Labeling + Explanations
Electrical Safety + Arc Flash Training Program Support
Program Support to Answer Your Questions + Concerns
A Proactive Tracking Program for Code + Electrical System Changes
Goals of an Arc Flash Assessment
Identify potential arc flash hazards while electrical equipment is exposed and energized. For example, miscoordination of overcurrent protection devices.
Identify opportunities to reduce or eliminate as many of the potential arc flash hazards identified in the study as possible.
Determine the minimum safe working distance (arc flash boundary) from the equipment where an arc flash hazard exists.
Determine the appropriate PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) required to avoid a permanent injury from an arc flash.
Ensure full compliance with arc flash codes and regulations.
Implement arc flash hazard and electrical shock warning labels on electrical equipment.
Inform client stakeholders of the results.